Dark Web 

The dark web is a hidden corner of the internet where cybercriminals operate with near impunity. It's where stolen data, hacking tools, and illegal activities thrive. We scan the dark web and alert you if sensitive business information such as passwords, emails and credit card details are found.

What exactly is Dark Web Monitoring?

Dark web monitoring is the active scanning and tracking of activities occurring on the hidden and often illicit sections of the internet known as the dark web. If SafeWeb identifies any mentions or exposures of sensitive data or information associated with your organisation, we’ll alert you.

24/7 Monitoring

Our system scans the dark web for the latest data breaches 24/7

Breach Alerts

Receive email alerts as soon as we find a new data breach

Exposure Report

Each month, you will receive a detailed analysis of your data breaches

Take Action

Our support team are on hand to help assist following a data breach

How Dark Web  Monitoring Works


Over 22 billion stolen data records exist on the dark web

And the odds are high that your company’s data is part of this staggering figure. In fact, 78% of new SafeWeb users have discovered breached data they were previously unaware of.

The Dark Web

Sounds scary. But what exactly is the dark web?

The dark web is different from the regular web in that it can't be accessed by the normal public. Nefarious actors, hack, share and/or sell millions of data records every day. Our system trawls the dark web to discover what data is available.

What can I do?

If my company's data is out there, what can I do to get it back?

While you can’t get your data ‘back’, you can mitigate the chance of harm. And that’s where SafeWeb can assist. By sending alerts about breached data, credentials can be changed, accounts locked down, and access and data records reviewed, helping avoid further harm..

The risks

What could happen if I don't act after a breach alert?

The imminent risks are two-fold. Commonly hackers will try to breach your accounts and spend your money, often with irreversible consequences. Alternatively, hackers will hold your accounts to ransom, cutting off your core critical services or even exposing your sensitive data.


Our Latest Stats


Checked for actively trust SafeWeb every month


Breaches identified and users automatically alerted


Saved through incident response actions


Average time to respond to breach incidents

Get more with SafeWeb Plus

Incident Response

Peace of mind in the event of a data breach

Privacy Toolbox

Ensure compliance for your business

Phishing Simulation

Educate your employees against scams

Trusted by 60k+ Businesses

Reviews from our Partners

It has really helped us to get going with cyber security. We have bundled to all of our 4K+ customers. Top-notch support, we’ve significantly improved retention. SafeWeb more than Dark Web monitoring it’s a platform our customers trust in case of data loss situation.  The platform is now vital to our success and that of small businesses we serve.


Director, Vital Comms

SafeWeb smoothly onboarded our large base of small business customers. Their expertise ensured a seamless transition, allowing us to provide white labelled data protection and GDPR breach support effortlessly. Highly recommended for hassle-free implementation and stellar support.


COO, AEG Services

Incorporating SafeWeb into our technology solutions for SMB customers has been seamless and efficient. The team's responsiveness and assistance have been commendable, with positive feedback from customers discovering the benefits of dark web monitoring for their businesses.


CCO, TrustIT Group

SafeWeb Tiers

Our Dark Web monitoring plan:
Dark Web monitoring
Domain level reporting
Unlimited email addresses
Dynamic & realtime reports
Knowledge base for insights
Get Started
SafeWeb Plus
All of Dark Web monitoring, AND:
Data breach incident response
Advanced Privacy Toolbox
Phishing simulation to train your employees against threats
In depth support hub for instant data breach actions
Access to experts to deal with DSARs and breaches
Get Started
SafeWeb Insured
All of SafeWeb plus, AND:
GDPR breach insurance
Employee training
Coming Soon
Insurance coming soon!

Learn more?

Visit our support centre to find out more